Author: Vladislav Goncharov

Updated: August 18, 2022


Audited projects cannot be considered safe/unsafe based on the current audit. Audit intentionally focuses not on the code itself but on the overall project. The report should not be used in any way to make decisions around investment or involvement with any particular project. This report in no way provides investment advice, nor should it be leveraged as investment advice of any sort. The report is not, nor should be considered, an “endorsement” or “disapproval” of any particular project or team.


Team of developers which deploy fork of the Compound for a client. They have their own web application for which they can apply the branding of clients. Mostly used by already existing projects in different EVM compatible networks for fastly deploying lending protocol.

The b2b project in a crpyto on early stage. Works without direct product.. Adjust code per client.

Key Points